That new app will instead of old one what is used to vvdi key tool , right now , it contain 2 language ( English/Chinese) ,xhorse company will add more and more language in future , please change your app in your phone , we will no longer put service on the old one.
Where to download this APP?
Go to Google Play / Apple store and search "Xhorse".
This is Android APP QR code:
This is New APP home menu.
Here comes Settings area incl. Bluetooth setting, Language and about us.
* Turn on Bluetooth to search the Xhorse Device (vvdi key tool ,vvdi mini key tool, Dolphin); The language is Chinese and English now.
Here comes Mini Key tool operation menu:
Vehicle remote
Garage remote
Remote clone
Transponder clone
Generate transponder
Special function
Here comes Condor Dolphin operation menu:
Vehicle database
Cut by Bitting
Universal key duplication
All key lost
Find Bitting
Machine Parameter